Hill Skills
Beginner Navigation
This is an introductory navigation course for beginners using paper OS maps and a compass. It includes a morning classroom component before an afternoon on the hill putting new skills into practise.
General Hill Skills
New to hill walking or wanting to brush up on your general hill skills. We look at hill kit, refresh our navigation and relocation skills, take a look at emergency shelters and what to do in an emergency.
Intermediate Navigation
Having grasped the concept of grid references and bearings, the intermediate navigation is a full hill day using our navigation tool box to build confidence and test our skills over more challenging terrain.
Winter Skills
Are you looking to get into Winter Hill Walking? A winter skills day introduces the concept of avalanche forecasting, and the use of ice axe, including self arrest and walking in crampons.
Advanced Navigation
This is a bespoke hill day set up in Summer Mountain Leader style with a series of navigation legs to contour features in open terrain. We can offer this as a night navigation exercise or a day into night course.
Winter Navigation
Navigation in winter has to factor in additional features such as avalanche prone slopes, cornices and shorter daylight hours. This is an opportunity to practise pacing, and walking on bearings.